Midnight in the Garden of Cute and Evil
First Page Newest Page Coffee Break Floor Plan - Basement Floor Plan - Ground Floor Floor Plan - Second Floor Floor Plan - Third Floor Floor Plan - Fourth Floor Every now and then, Jennies takes a look at current media trends, relative boredom levels, and things the fans have been screaming for, and does something for the benefit of all the above.
This is not one of those times.
However, it is something that's been on the back burner for a while now, and I figure now's as good a time as any to turn up the heat and see what catches fire. I like the idea of morphing Bob Kiwi & Company's adventures into a webcomic, and I really need the discipline such an endeavor will force onto me art-wise (things like perspective, backgrounds, action sequences, attention to detail...). Besides, this newfound sanity of mine is driving me crazy. Bob's endearingly maniacal fans asked for a mystery, and I'm hoping to deliver just that.
Plot Summary: Bobetta has invited Bob and friends up for a weekend at her dear departed great-uncle's estate, since it's ever so much more fun to admire your inheritance in front of others. Surrounded by miles of pristine mountain wilderness, the estate is infinitely impressive. Gardens, ponds, forests, fountains, a palacial mansion - this place has everything. Including a dark, dangerous secret...
And so it begins. Come, let us all fail together. Comments and Critiques are welcome, as always, as is any and all assistance with the appearance and layout of the estate grounds. Architecture and machinery are, after all, my weakest points. I'm a lazy bum when it comes to detail.