Venturing out to the local Ren Faire, Beak meets up with a wizard selling dragons. (And apparently being watched my a mischievous gnome...)

"Is this a kiwi I see before me?"...

Getting into the spirit of Bob Kiwi: Buccaneer, Beak dressed up as First Mate Deadeye for Halloween.

To prepare for his photo shoot, "Deadeye" amassed a vast treasure horde of BaNAnas, bangles, and booty. He even lifted a treasure chest off
an unsuspecting German merchant - and all whilst armed with only an aluminum-foil saber. Very impressive, no?

Beak's treasure included half a dozen baNAnas, a sapphire-studded doggie-chain, a jar-ful of shinies, two gruesome strings of skulls, and coins
from all over the world. His leather hat was hand-painted with the flag of Captain Bob "The Caffeinated" Kiwi, and his eyepatch custom-fit to
cover a recent wound obtained whilst Beak was amassing his horde. (At least, that's his story...)